Chandon Garden Spritz 187ml View larger

Chandon Garden Spritz 187ml


Combining Moet et Chandon’s sparkling Argentine wine with bitter liqueur made from natural orange peel extract, carefully selected spices and locally sourced Valencia oranges, makes this the prefect stylish aperitif. Striking a wonderful balance between sweetness and bitterness, Chandon has taken the classic Spritz aperitif to a new level, harnessing the finest ingredients combined with an exceptional sparkling wine to create the Garden Spritz.

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    TypeSparkling, Vegan Friendly, Vegetarian
    When to DrinkNow
    ProducerMoet et Chandon
    GrapesChardonnay, Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir
    Pairingready to drink and best served with 3 ice cubes, a dried orange sliver and a spring of rosemary


    The biggest and most important of Argentina`s wine regions, Mendoza includes a wide variety of altitudes and micro-climates to allow a huge range of wine styles. The main vineyard area is at the base of the Andes in the valley of the Mendoza River, with vineyards ranging from 500-1500 metres above sea level. Many early winemakers were of Italian origin and brought with them their native Barbera, Bonarda and Sangiovese. However, it is Malbec, originally from Bordeaux and the southwest of France, that has established the most successful presence in Mendoza.


    The company dates back to 1743, when founder Claude Moet began shipping wines to Paris. Today the house is the largest producer, owning some 1,500 hectares of vines, in the Montagne de Reims, Cote de Blancs and the Vallee de la Marne.The cellars are situated in the heart of Epernay, where there are 28 km of tunnels carved deep into the marble chalk beneath the town, allowing the wines to age and develop in the cool and humid conditions.Moet et Chandon also own Dom Perignon Champagne, named after the monk credited with discovering the `Methode Champenoise`.

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    Chandon Garden Spritz 187ml

    Chandon Garden Spritz 187ml

    Combining Moet et Chandon’s sparkling Argentine wine with bitter liqueur made from natural orange peel extract, carefully selected spices and locally sourced Valencia oranges, makes this the prefect stylish aperitif. Striking a wonderful balance between sweetness and bitterness, Chandon has taken the classic Spritz aperitif to a new level, harnessing the finest ingredients combined with an exceptional sparkling wine to create the Garden Spritz.

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